Common Pet Emergencies

Learn about the most common urgent care issues that occur with our animal companions.

Here are some common urgent care issues we often see in our animal hospital. If you think your pet needs urgent care, please don't hesitate to call us.

Minor Injuries

  • Cuts, lacerations, and bite wounds 
  • Minor fractures or sprains 
  • Minor burns or abrasions 
  • Quills

Gastrointestinal Issues

  • Vomiting and diarrhea: Frequent or severe episodes can lead to dehydration and need quick attention. 
  • Foreign body ingestion: Objects like toys or bones that need to be removed to prevent internal damage. 
  • Constipation: Difficulty in passing stools that might indicate underlying issues. 

Respiratory Issues 

  • Coughing or sneezing: Persistent symptoms that may indicate infections or other respiratory conditions. 
  • Mild to moderate breathing difficulties: Increased effort or rate of breathing that needs to be assessed. 
  • Nasal discharge: Could be a sign of infection or other respiratory problems. 

Skin and Ear Problems

  • Hot spots and skin infections: Red, inflamed areas that need treatment to prevent worsening. 
  • Allergic reactions: Itching or swelling due to allergies that require immediate attention. 
  • Ear infections: Signs include head shaking, ear scratching, and discharge. 

Mild to Moderate Pain

  • Pain from arthritis or minor injuries: Needs management to improve quality of life. 
  • Pain management for chronic conditions: Ensuring ongoing comfort for pets with long-term ailments. 

Behavioral Changes

  • Sudden lethargy or weakness: Could indicate underlying health issues. 
  • Changes in appetite or drinking habits: May signal problems that need to be investigated. 
  • Unusual aggression or anxiety: Behavioral shifts that could be linked to health issues. 

Eye and Dental Issues

  • Eye discharge, redness, or irritation: Needs prompt attention to prevent further damage. 
  • Broken or loose teeth: Can cause pain and require dental care. 
  • Mouth pain or swelling: Indicative of dental or oral health issues. 

Urinary and Reproductive Issues

  • Difficulty urinating or frequent urination: Could be signs of blockages or infections. 
  • Blood in urine: Needs immediate evaluation to determine the cause. 
  • Minor pregnancy complications: Issues related to pregnancy or childbirth, including c-sections. 

Post-Surgical Concerns

  • Issues with incision sites: Redness, swelling, or discharge that could indicate infection. 
  • Pain management post-surgery: Ensuring your pet is comfortable during recovery. 
  • If you need to bring your pet in for any of these issues, please provide as much information as possible about their condition. Our team is here to offer prompt and effective care to ensure your pet's well-being. 
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