
Regular exams provide updates on your pet's growth and overall health status.

We are dedicated to providing thorough and compassionate care for your pets. Our experienced veterinarians are equipped to diagnose and treat a wide range of health issues. Here are some common conditions we address:

  • Ear Infections 
  • Skin Issues 
  • General Illness 
  • Urinary Issues 
  • Lameness and Orthopedic Issues 
  • Quills 
  • Laceration 
  • Respiratory conditions

Our Exam Process 

  1. Initial Consultation: We discuss your pet's health history and concerns. 
  2. Physical Examination: A thorough head-to-tail exam is conducted. 
  3. Diagnostics: We perform necessary tests like blood work, X-rays, and ultrasound. 
  4. Treatment Plan: We develop a personalized treatment plan. 
  5. Follow-up Care: We provide follow-up care instructions  

Your pet’s health and happiness are our top priorities. If you notice any signs of illness or discomfort in your pet please contact us at 613-634-2440. 

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